Superstructure Burgårdsparken
The intervention deals with future scenarios of water management and how the city adapts to the changes and challenges it is facing. In this example, the focus lies in the function of a landscape and its interaction with water. We developed a structural concept that allows an area to be flooded, using the idea of a floodplain terrain at the core.
Silje Ildgruben, Felix Krafeld, Klara Lidström & Elvira Richardsson
The design we are proposing manifests itself as a triangular grid based, modular superstructure able to spread across a wide range of terrains, from plains to hilly surfaces as found on our site: Burgårdsparken. Located just south of Ullevi Stadium, Mölndalsån flowing through it is the main element of water. In terms of flooding and water management, we are using its hydrological potential in order to shape the design strategy. The canal will be fragmented, creating space for the water to fill up parts of the terrain and simultaneously interact with the built structure, witch itself is designed to accommodate different uses like housing, education, business and recreation. Furthermore, it can interact with rainwater by directing it across its sloped roofline possibly filtering it along the way through surface vegetation and making it usable for the sites inhabitants. As the water can, it is also possible to travel across the structure by foot or bicycle reducing the need for conventional road infrastructure. Since the project covers such a large piece of land, it holds great potential in creating a buffer, or sponge-like element in the city that allows the surface of the terrain to soak up large amounts of water, and also creating an atmosphere that gives the city’s inhabitants a greater sense of well being.

Silje Ildgruben
This proposal aims to tackle the same typology in different scales. It preforms as a hybrid between an urban scale water buffer and a human scale inhabitable space. The terrain can be seen as an outline of the core function within the proposal. It covers a large piece of land and therefor acts as an effective collector of rainwater. The shape of the structure grants vertical water to be gathered and conducted downwards through fragmented streams. The water acts as a recreational element within the terrain, and the stream itself provides the site with a functional buffer to prevent the area from flooding. As the water level changes in the canal, the water surface is allowed to alter the accessibility within the site, making the experience different each time the visitor enters the area.
Hydrosocial Housing
Felix Krafeld
The design proposal targets a combined solution of housing in a hydrosocial, hybrid landscape structure. In an urban context it explores aspects of density and it’s effects on public, community and private space. The hybrid landscpe perspective offers an innovative strategie to interconnect these zones. By creating a structure that freely unfolds over multiple horizontal levels, the aspect of vertical segregation is reduced. As it turnes out, this hybrid landscape typology simultaneously offers itself up for hydrosocial functionality. As it was a goal to allow human flow throughout and across the structure, the same is possible for water. With this strategie, water turns into a visible recource of the urban space. It generates an atmosphere of a resiliant and harmonic neigbourhood where water is no longer percieved as something that ruins a picknick in the park, but rahter acticates and breathes life into the urban ecosphere.

Burgårdsparken Libraries
Klara Lidström
Burgårdsparken is surrounded by schools and cultural activities and the thought behind the proposal was therefore to strengthen this identity by proposing the addition of three smaller libraries that will work as a cultural centre within the structure.
The proposal consists of smaller triangles that works within the grid of the structure while also creating more intimate spaces and green areas. These spaces are also framing a courtyard which can be accessed from a wooden pathway or from the staircase that leads you down from the structure. In this way it’s possible to approach the spaces from different access points.
In terms of hydro-sociality the pathway and the staircase allows for interaction with the water and the courtyard even when it’s flooded. In this way the proposal aims to embrace the rain by making it a central part of the project and allowing for activities to take place regardless of the weather.
The Outdoor Classroom
Elvira Richardsson
Hydro-sociality in terms of the project is about closeness to water and experiencing its shape and flows. Water is essential to human lives and its functions can spark a sense of curiosity. The concept for the project is an outdoor classroom that can be used by both the schools on the site and regular visitors.
The project is an architectural structure that connects to a bridge, which spans between a school and a housing unit. The structure provides both support and space for activities. With the structure, values such as educational and social have been added to the site.
The structure is sculptural, consisting of triangles with the same dimensions as the urban terrain. Three of the structures have been situated in the focus area and are elevated above the flood plains. By doing so the structure is resilient to on-coming rainwater and occasional flooding.