The Hydrogrid
Elevating rain water for human experiences and needs.
Olof Hedner, David Larsson, Alèxia Simó Durall & Charlotta Törnström
The starting point of the project was to contemplate the nature of rain water cycles. As water can be transpired into clouds and absorbed into the earth, the cycle can be translated into a metaphor of two sponges absorbing the water between each other where water always follows gravity.
The problem of excess water, as in flooding and high tides, all comes down to an inability of handling surface water temporarily in urban areas. The common thread for present urban rainwater management is to lead away water as quickly as possible in heavy infrastructural systems. We wanted to challenge this notion in an architectural manner.
Our project is investigating the possibility to delay rainwater from entering the canal and river by storing it in an elevated structure, thus making it possible to use the water for recreational and productive activities.

The Lagoon
Olof Hedner
By treating excess surface rain water from higher elevations, clean water can be utilised for sensual experiences. The end goal of slowing down water flows in the streets of Gothenburg is here translated into an urban swimmable lagoon where water is heated by excess energy from the city’s hot water infrastructure.
Enclosed by a circular opening in the hydrogrid, the green spaces of Kungsparken are diversified, secluding it from outside stimuli. As the opening is where water is exchanged to the ground, the pool is also part of a larger stream leading the water towards the canal in two directions.
The indoor spaces surrounding the lagoon make use of the terrain elevation for roofs doubling as public spaces. Underneath, the grid structure is subdivided into smaller boxes to form an undulating landscape beneath. As the boxes form a smaller hierarchy of spaces, rooms become versatile.
David Larsson
As one of the main goals with the hydro grid has been to slow excess water from floodings and the northern part of kungsparken has to its advantage been transformed into a wetland to function as a storage space for this. This part of the park was from the beginning an underdeveloped area in the social context and the use of it was low. But taking away the opportunity to a social life here is a less attractive thought and therefore a sunken walking path has been introduced to the site where pedestrians can interact with water in a more close-bodied experience.
The two pavilions on the site are located a walking distance from each other but connected through a strict route which opens the possibility of unexpected social interactions between visitors. One of them allows the visitors to enter an enclosed waterfall that filters out the sound of the city. And the other one a place to rest, recover and revel in a view of the hydro grid landscape.

The Grid Garden
Alèxia Simó Durall
In my individual project my intention is to seek the connection of the land with the market and at the same time carry out a "win to win" in both spaces.
In the first place, I would change the traffic of cars and I would
make everything pedestrian.
My objective is to favor the market, the citizens and at the same time the land.
The small modules that I am going to design will be able to be
used for market consumption and at the same time for citizens'
own consumption.
These orchards located inside the modules will use the water from within the land system.
Finally, the use of these modules will be both for cultivation and for connections above / below the ground. But at the end these prototypes can be located all over the structure with many different functions.
Canal bus/Canal Hub
Charlotta Törnström
The Canal and it´s sorroundings are ideal for hydrorsocial activities combined with an infrastructural network on water. The Canal Hub´s will be Ports for social meetings as well as connectors to Grönsakstorget and North Station e.c.t Arround the Canal Hub´s you will find local restaurants and cafés as well as centers for kajaksport, paddleboards, green raffting and fishing.