The Marsh Garden
The Marsh Garden, and its meandering scars will create new possible routes, stops and experiences for people to explore and take alternative routes within the city
Irma Bruce, Pia Lähteenmäki, Olof Nyman & Kajsa Steffensen
By unifying different attributes of unique geometrical landforms, we aim to design a landscape, based on a pattern of randomness enforced by nature. By preserving and intertwining significant, cultural buildings we propose an emerging landscape that understands nature. Green and blue ecological zones will be introduced to bring out a slower movement with in the area. The intervention will connect parts of the city that are currently not used as much as they could be. Our intervention will become a place for rainwater, city-biotopes, recreation, connections, and green areas. New connections across the channel and between the different ecological zones will emerge to create a more inviting space to walk within. By introducing water as an asset within the urban environment, we can start to view water as an opportunity of its own within the city.

Irma Bruce
The sweeping terrain has emerged through the concept of meandering. The terrain will reinvent spatial qualities and highlight the most historical building on the site, the synagogue, which is a building that deserves to become highlighted. The way the sweeping terrain has taken its shape is based upon potential and desired paths within the area.
The sweeping terrain will also allow for a green and blue infrastructure become a part of the cityscape. It is shaped by meandering which allows water to follow the terrain, in the most natural way possible. Also to allow water to take place around the structure, by implementing green areas water will be slowed down and handled.
The terrain will reinvent spacial qualities and allow for new movements and greenery to create a more inviting cityscape.
Pia Lähteenmäki
The sweeping landscape in Kompassen is new form of urban space where water and greenery are arranged in layers. The spatial conditions diffuse the line between inside and outside space and give opportunities for new movement and usage. This mixture between park, walkway and urban town square, allow for new types of activities in the city center and shifts the focus away from retail.
The terrain seeks inspiration from nature, forming a water collecting, valley-like opening which is surrounded by landscape. Optimal conditions for greenery and water are created by following a triangulating morphometric procedure where a central path guides the formation of landscape. Slight offsets in the openings and scarps of the landscape form vertical connections and sight lines that allow sunlight to seep in to the lower levels.
This hybrid landscape diffuses the boundaries between city and nature and creates possibilities fora new type of urban life.

From Heden to Trädgården
Olof Nyman
Our goal as a group was to create alternative paths where people could meander between places. The challenge for such a thing to work is boundaries, and many of those exist between Heden and Trädgårdsföreningen. Utilizing the group's first draft of shapes passing through here, this elaboration explores the shaping of the swoops volumes to create spaces and connections.
By creating rules (and expanding on the morphometry) the shapes are given a reason for why they’re made as is. Framing of the in-between is strengthened by the main rule of how the swoops are angled, toward identified Wants and away from identified Avoids. Then working in further levels of the inspiration (meanders) rooms are shaped under the swoops by making an inverted version of the morphometry, bringing new triangles down onto the latest meander.
Kajsa Steffensen
By the entrance of Trädgårdsföreningen and the park of Bältesspännarparken the sweeping landscape creates features that leads humans and water through greenery into more greenery. While there are inside and outside spaces, the line is less defined than traditional buildings through the use of light and plantations. These terrains are made to create new places for connection between people of all ages and walks of life. The terrain invites the public into an interactive and playful moment with water to splash in and green hills to run up, but also dappled shade for enjoying a cup of coffee and heights from which to take in the view. The landscape makes a gradual transition between the urban and industrial into a green oasis in the city that now remains open for everyone at all times.The symbolism of material and shapes invokes the costal city that borders nature, with Corten steel referencing the industrial past and present to the west of the water, a stream that embodies the waterways, shapes like the wings of a gull, and the gradual increasing of greenery all resonates with the city’s essence.