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Intertwined with infrastructure like the E6 motorway causing pollution, going through historically contaminated sections, and heavy water run off coming from the east. This valley grapples with severe environmental challenges, facing heightened flooding risks during intense rainfall or storms, distinguishing it as one of the most vulnerable river valleys.
Flooded landscape prototype
Gunnar Tjus
This landscape research project harmonizes innovative strategies in ecology, water management, and adaptive design to address contemporary challenges exacerbated by rising water levels and intensified rainfall patterns. Creatively fuses ecological insights with practical design interventions, seeking to fortify landscapes against environmental fluctuations. Through a blend of hydraulic understanding and strategic design propositions, it envisions landscapes that not only endure but flourish amidst evolving environmental dynamics. This endeavour shows the transformative potential when rigorous research meets the artistry of purposeful intervention, which further research by design should explore in the future.


The blue corridor
Sara Oliva
The area under discussion is situated north of the Mölndalsån River and is facing heavy pollution issues. Furthermore, it is highly fragmented and disconnected, especially the nearby residential neighborhoods that lack direct access to the riverfront. The area has a relatively high green cover, but improvements were necessary. By analyzing the river's course and subterranean channels, a new water flow route was designed, including new landscaped zones to enhance the relationship with biodiversity. The final design integrates the existing infrastructure while incorporating cycling and walking paths with rich botanical content.
Light & phytoremedation floating lab
Constanza Andrea Quioza Rodriguez
The floating lab is a prototype of a family of iterations, serving as a demonstration of a step in an evolutionary system with determined parameters that exert influence on changing key aspects of shape and space (diameter, area, program, and materials). Despite the potential for various changes, all floating labs prioritize two main ideas in the following order to function as a phytoremediation (1) and light remediation artifact (2). This object achieves the task of cleaning water surfaces, specifically in this prototype, by utilizing algae and floating plants through devices that can adapt to varying depths and areas.


Pavilion of sails
Lisa Landgren
Pavilion of Sails explores an innovative approach to public space by integrating green energy and wind power. Positioned atop the existing rooftop park Bergakungen in central Gothenburg, slender poles connect through large sails equipped with nano-generators. These sails dynamically respond to the wind, shaping an engaging public environment. Simultaneously, the nano-generators capture wind energy, enabling storage for illuminating the park and its surroundings. The project strives to establish a unique blend of sustainable energy utilization and a vibrant communal space within the urban landscape.
Valhalla Greenhouse
Adrian Dahlberg
Infrastructure of recent city planning has isolated Valhalla from its surroundings. As a result of this, there are many “dead areas” with the potential of reintegration. In addition, non permeable surfaces increase the flood risk of Mölndalsån. Valhalla Greenhouse is a project that addresses these issues using a combination of prototypes and bluegreen infrastructural landscape conversions. Promoting urban farming contributes to both efficiency and self sufficiency. As a research platform for sustainable development, inhabitants are encouraged to take part in the process.

Bee green
Therése Alégroth
"Bee Green" is a 5-meter-high urban prototype fostering biodiversity and urban greenery. It includes flower planting spaces and dedicated insect habitats, especially for bees. This multifunctional space incorporates benches and roofs for communal use, serving as a public area. Extended as a bridge over Mölndalsån, it connects both sides of the river, enhancing accessibility and community involvement. The prototype's size is adaptable, catering to different needs and surroundings, ensuring its flexibility and applicability in diverse urban settings.
Tribute to tribune
Zuzanna Jakubowska
In the midst of urban diversity, rather than introducing new elements, it's worth examining what we can achieve with what already exists around us. The transformation of the Ullevi stadium aims to integrate it year-round into the city fabric, creating a new local center for the community of performed connection. This initiative incorporates elements designed to purify air and water, with production processes involving the local community. By introducing green spaces, it seeks to infuse life into the otherwise dehumanized megastructure.

Three River Bridge
Aletta Zsuzsanna Tóth
What would happen if engineering marvels served not only humans? What if a simple bridge catered to every participant in the wildlife? The Three Rivers Bridge unites three substantially different segments of the city. It connects the business district, the stadium’s enthusiastic sports fans, and the restaurants stretching toward the city center. However, beyond serving humans, this bridge also caters to the smaller wildlife. It expands the habitat for tiny critters, connecting the park with the forest and creating a safe haven in the midst of human hustle and bustle.
Tomasz Leonik
Concept presents adaptation of multi-level parking lot into water capturing, filtering and storing station. The idea is to transform every floor above ground into green roof and plant greenery that would be able to filter polluted rainwater, that would be stored on the ground level. Plants on every level would differ according to their filtering function humidity and sunlight need. Water transfer would be guaranteed by perforation in cocreate slabs. Middle floors, would simulate effect of rainforests and deliver varying microclimates depending on amount of water and humidity.

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