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With a varying context along the stream: shifting from a nature reserve in the north, towards industrial lands, residential areas, and the piers at Frihamnen in the south, Kvillebäcken poses several important challenges and questions within the future of Gothenburg. In the north, the public connection along the stream has been privatized, and in the south there are several challenges in regards to flooding, pollution, biodiversity, and accessibility for pedestrians.
Kvillebäcken Flood Park
Lucas Lafont
Connecting the past, present and future of Kvillebäcken, this project aims to tackle climate challenges and uncertainties. By providing new habitats and improving quality of life of the neighborhood, Kvillebäcken’s Flood Park evolves with climate events and conditions. Its flora is both planted and spontaneous, leaving spaces for nature and natural regeneration to take part of the project. Hökälla Nature Reserve spreads now into the city, bringing with it its natural richness and diversity.

Olle Söderström
The bio-park located on Kvillepiren is an exploration of how to handle the contaminated soil that will be excavated when Gothenburg starts developing the areas around Backaplan and Frihamnen in 2035. Therefore, the park aims to function as a bio-regeneration area with the restored wetlands as its closest neighbor, instead of simply exploiting the area for building purposes. It is divided into different cleansing zones with the zones closest to the most public areas being the least contaminated, and the areas in the middle will have a higher contamination with more dense vegetation.
Crown Shining
Karolin Savitri Klein
The poetic concept of a journey through the forest allows the senses to engage with birdsong, rain, rustling leaves, filtered sunbeams and the movements of the tree crowns in the wind. Breathing canopies form a pathway that gracefully meanders amid the trees. Following nature´s flows offers the experience of natural remediation of water cycles, including the rainwater, waste water, water from the river and air humidity. This journey emphasizes the protection of both human and plant health by allowing the tree crowns to shine again.

Tove Mattsson
The prototype “Connection & Barriers” is an answer to different problems that occur along the Kvillebäcken river/stream. Problems such as lack of accessibility to the water, lack of sufficient lightning to make it feel safe for pedestrians and the possibility to cross the golf course without fearing for the golf balls. The prototype is modular and its different components cater to different problems.
Urban stätta
Karla Patricia Olvera Covarrubias
Urban stätta is a prototype focused on the creation and appropriation of public space, generating a sense of community, play and meeting between residents of nearby neighborhoods and pedestrians who pass along the river. Taking the concept of “stätta” or “stile”, a structure or opening that provides passage for humans over or through a boundary, this urban prototype is aimed to cleanse water before entering the river, substituting the fences that go along the industrial and private zone, with different divisions that answer to their context. By having “filter walls”, “natural fences” and water collection areas, urban stätta diffuse barriers, create new habitats and restore the natural environment of the river valley.


Connecting Kvillebäcken
Benjamin Björksell
Along the river of Kvillebäcken, a walking path and green corridor goes from north to south but close to the outlet it is broken abruptly by a large road. At this location flooding, pollution and noise combine into a hostile environment for all inhabitants. The breaking point also marks a boundary between high- and low-income neighborhoods as well as parks and industrial areas. Combating these issues, a new footbridge functioning as a green overpass and oasis for humans and pollinators, is an effort in [Connecting Kvillebäcken]
Initiating Våtmarkshamnen
Mika Deitert
“Våtmarkshamnen” is a citizen initiative aiming to reestablish a vast wetland habitat in a disused dock of Frihamnen. It proposes a future vision, outlines how the idea can be initiated with minimal resources right now, and imagines potentials for growth, adaptation, and additional functions over time. At its core, the project creates temporary habitat through floating wetlands while also collecting the sediment required for the development of a permanent natural marshland ecosystem.

Floating islands
Yifei Xu
Inside the residential area of the end of Kvillebäcken, the green corridor end and left idled waters here. The floating islands are created to provide connections and public space for social gatherings as well as a method for water cleaning,The pontoon bridge will be partially invisible between water and sky with a supply of practicability and fun. Walking on the clouds reflected in water, visitors will develop a sense of freedom of floating and an inside surging strength.
Vatten Torg
Saisitalakshmi Nagappan
Measures of slowing surface runoff into the water canal, thereby helping mitigate flooding in urban areas, by introducing an interactive public infrastructure is explored as a part of this project. The project is envisioned to be a flooding court which serves as an amphitheater cum gathering space during summer and doubles up as a flooding court during the rainy season. This prototype will help elevate the social experience along the existing green corridor and increase the interaction with the water channel.

Backaplan - Between the Greenery and Ponds
Monika Walawender
The project seeks to reevaluate the relationship between society and the environment, acknowledging that the health of our planet is fundamentally connected to our own well-being. The dedication to reverse the tide on urban sprawl, bringing life into regions formerly dominated by asphalt and automobiles, is at the heart of the Backaplan's transformation. The mundane parking area will be transformed into an amazing tapestry of water and flora. Ponds with natural water plants will be planted to replace the asphalt, creating reflecting surfaces that mirror the changing sky and surrounding greenery.
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