Linnea Larsson
The hybrid project ”water on water” explores the possibilities of creating an artificial landscape, acting as a bridge over Säveån. With the world changing the need to collect fresh water and delay rainwater run off is crucial. That was the departure of my project. I wanted to use these different rainwater collector’s as a design element, an indicator of how the building was operating. Connecting Gullbergsvass to Partihallarna this so-called artificial landscape bridge creates a sprawl friendly area with view over Götaälv and Säveån. With smaller pavilion-like spaces generated by the pillars and terraces.

The different segments of the hybrid program.
Water run off - Artificial landscape - Building volume

Investigations - making the artificial landscape.

Explorations - making water visible in design.

Project displayed on site.

Anatomical drawing of projects parts and program.

Perspective view from Partihallarna.
