Anna Krassuski
The project aims to explore flood tolerant urban spaces for Gullbergsvass. It approaches the eastern site of Droemmarnas Kaj where the accessibility and visibility to water and the hidden atmosphere have emerged as the primary characteristic assets. By emphasizing these assets and strenghtening the site specific actant behavior, a hybrid programmatic system could be generated. A system where living and working environments are hybridized with their natural surroundings. To develop a long-term landscape-building-synergy, asset related risks such as flooding and biodiversity loss have been tackled through design. Inspired by the formation of a river delta system, the design proposal tolerates, delays and distributes changing water dynamics.

Based on riparian and mountain vegetation formations, an architectural system
with hidden and exposed urban spaces has evolved.

The organic landscape links residential and work spaces with recreational spaces
and adapts to precipitation pressure and the rising sea level.

The anatomy of all parts.

In 2040, all facilities can be reached. Twenty years later, in 2060, the birdwatching platform is taken over by nature.

In 2080, most of the wetland park is flooded. In 2100, the amphitheater serves as retention pond; residential spaces are protected.

Precipitation is collected in retention ponds and directed towards Göta Älv.
Riparian Vegetation and permeable paving serve as additional water capture.

The asset of Drömmarnas Kaj enhances in a variety of hidden, semi-hidden and exposed urban spaces.