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The concept of resilience is commonly defined as the ability of an urban system to tackle shocks and stresses. Islands communities are in general irresilient in various ways. Businesses are season dependent. Ageing populations create fiscal pressure. The physical isolation make for various urban challenges. Rising sea levels change land use. In relation to the centralized urban core of Gothenburg, you could argue that this ’unland’ is left behind.
Drawing upon previous concepts for hybrid space networks, an intervention for a more resilient archipelago was developed. To handle to the complexity of the urban ecosocial system, a more holistic intervention would have a high degree of diversity in the challenges adressed. Three group members make for three approaches to resilience: crudely described as accept, protect and refuge
A decentralized, somewhat beehive-like, organisation created high autonomy for group members in their work. The process made design a primary language. Intersections between networks, conceptually and spatially, are varied. Sometimes planned, sometimes coincidental, these intersections create a waterscape with complex spatial experiences.

Ellen Hällebrand
Erik Lidén
Mussa Algasra

Ellen Hällebrand
The project mainly adresses coexistence of opposites, without dissolving them. It’s about infiltrating ’others’. Pairs are those of light and dark, infrastructure and human space, land and sea, leisure and production.
Introducing time and space to these pairs makes lines blurry. Considering sea level rise to be an aesthetic process, its smudging out the shoreline as patina, the project addresses how these lines are in fact zones. The concept of shorezones is explored as an opportunity for creating resilient waterscapes.
Units of human space put together in a growth pattern influenced by viscous fingering develop into a larger landscape – for hiking? Buoy microplazas establish pockets of small human space in the larger inaccessible one. The functionality of the network allows for moving around the wilderness the strait constitutes – establishing intersections. From start, via crossings towards the end, the network infiltrates the unkown – breaking down boundaries.
Departing from sea and continuing to land, the buoys change shape but are still hybrid - signalling solitaires forming a system. Swaying in waves, crawling up the coast. Units of pocket spaces break down the larger whole – from rail yards to straits.

Erik Lidén
The threat of rising sea levels over time forms an inverted topography where the highest point will become the sea and the shoreline itself turns negative. To protect from flooding in key parts of the Öckerö harbour areas, a trapezoid barrier is proposed, that also aim to improve accessibility and strengthen the biodiversity along the coast. With a web of paths and spaces, traversable via sea through sluice gates, it redefines the context and establish itself as the new shoreline of the island.
Using a simple cylindrical geometry as a basis for the design, through playing with different actions that occur when overlapping it with other cylinders a diversity in spaces can be achieved. Ampli-fied in a network scale they together create its own maze-like topography with paths and spaces le-ading to various points of interest. This becomes the framework for diverse functions and activities that can benefit the coastal community take root in and develop into a resilient waterscape.
The location within the suprastructure in relation to land, sea and elevation determines the longevity and functional qualities of a given space. The highest line, snaking through the middle of the network, divides the suprastructure into two areas; protected civilization and transformational nature, which at the top steps meet and blends together. While the protected side is more functional, its counterpart will over time inevitably be flooded and gradually return to nature’s control.

Mussa Algasra
The aim of this project is to investigate the relationship between static and dynamic networks, in order to provide resilient op portunities to social and economic growth.
Inspired by evolution, I found interest in the adap tation and configuration of neural networks. Especially the relationship between dendrites and axons in a brain cell, where one acts a receiver of information while the other acts a transmitter.
Consequently, the greater the flow of information is between two cells, the stronger the connection becomes
This relationship of flows and adaptation were translated and combined with an analysis of the underlying infrastructure in order to create a dynamic network configuration of roads and nodes, creating sustainable growth pattern in the urban fabric, thus contribute to resilient living spaces.
Extra care was given to the intersections of the paths, of which nodes were created. Their function of the nodes is to facilitate a flexible, adaptive and reachable network where social and economic opportunities can flourish.
Each node is capable of combining several programs with in itself, everything from squares, housing to leisure, in order to respond to socio-economical the needs of the locals

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