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We experienced cities as a place of connection in which we consider it in two layers physically which is roads and some infrastructures and socially like events or some places that are like a spot for people gathering and have an activity or spend time there. As we are witnessing the population growth leads cities to be expanded especially for a city like Gothenburg which has diversity in culture it is important to consider the city as a place not only for vehicles but also for humans.
As the course aim was working in waterfront another issue which we consider was the cultural zones and the connection of these places with each other and with waterfront in some part of the city. In our project, as we select a bridge as infrastructure and our hybrid spaces had a concept of cultural spaces we chose Älvsborg bridge which is near the Röda Sten hall one of the significant cultural places in the city. Both of the projects work with the path but each of them has its unique way.
As the course aim was working in waterfront another issue which we consider was the cultural zones and the connection of these places with each other and with waterfront in some part of the city. In our project, as we select a bridge as infrastructure and our hybrid spaces had a concept of cultural spaces we chose Älvsborg bridge which is near the Röda Sten hall one of the significant cultural places in the city. Both of the projects work with the path but each of them has its unique way.

Sarisa Adami
Seyedehmahdis Mirsadeghi

Sarisa Adami
Your culture and traditions can be shared through storytelling, music, dance, art, song and etc. You can also help bridge the gap by sharing aspects of social influences. You may take part in their celebrations or a significant life event, how cool it is, isn’t it.? An international environment and new created spaces can help people to integrate their stories into a more diversified community. Sharing of different culture will broaden people’s mind.
But how we can encourage our society to have more social and cultural gatherings? Most of the big events are usually held in an open area where people can perform and attend any time they prefer, it might be a few minutes walk in the neighborhood. In this project, the intention was to create a hybrid space where people could gather for a cultural/traditional event, and at the same time enjoy the existing features around the area.
I went through many places in Gothenburg to find a place where I could design an open area that in its best scenario could relate to a multicultural space, I have found Röda sten Gallery hall close to Älvsborg area, which could speak loudly for my first concept idea, A place where people can enjoy festivals and traditional events while passing through various cubicle spaces in different levels. This area is designed for everyone who loves to walk and discover more about art and cultures.

Seyedehmahdis Mirsadeghi
The City growing with more infrastructure and when I walk into a city I am wondering what would be the future image of it? Most of the new infrastructure is made by humans for vehicles but a city is a place where people are living and when it is growing we should consider humans as a part of it. The bridge is one of the infrastructures in the cities which have this responsibility to connect different points also help with the traffic flows. But why do we use them just for vehicles?
In this project, new alternatives are given to people to explore a new place and enjoy being near one of the cultural zones of Gothenburg near the Röda Sten Konsthall. By giving different paths the people are connected to a platform which is under the Älvsborg bridge. This bridge connects the north and the south part of the city. By creating these platforms people can explore or if they want they can stay for a while and enjoy the scenery of the Göta älv river.
I see the bridge as a tool to path from point A to B in the city so by making curved paths and some circular platforms I give this chance to people to slow down and experience staying in this place. As there are different levels near the bridge I gave different roots and while people passed the roots they’re changed their levels. The platforms are a place for experiencing different events and celebrating different cultural activities as we are experiencing this diversity in Gothenburg city.

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