Teresia Forsman
This project takes place in the setting of Drottningtorget, the large open square in front of the central station building of Gothenburg.
The aim is to transform the area into a new public space that offers different choices and opportunities, that combines aesthetics with playfulness. A public space that can be used in many different ways, that creates many places in one and that becomes an interesting structure both horizontally and vertically. The main focus is to divide and define the large open area of today, and to create sequences and flows that are adapted to human scale.

The four concept that worked as a frame for the design process.

The final design is a structure of combined buildings, paths, stairs, bridges and roofs, constructed by wooden pillars and beams.

The final design creates many different areas inside of the area as well as many different paths to take through the area.

Plan of the water and ground level.

Sections showing the relations between the surrounding buildings and the structure.

In the south-west parts of the area the structure is higher and the spaces more transparent, open and public.

In the south-east parts of the area the structure is lower and the spaces more narrow and calm.